Pacific Northwest Beer Chick

Breweries, Beers & Good Times

Maui Brewing Company Has gone Coconuts! January 23, 2011

Filed under: beer,breweries,Hawaiian Breweries,Micro brew — pnwbeerchick @ 11:08 am

When the weather is crispy and cold, snow is on the ground, and fireplaces are working overtime there’s nothing like a toasty porter to warm you up. But, what does one do when one is tired of winter weather and longs for a touch of the tropics? Well, you grab Maui Brewing Company’s CoCoNut Porter!

Maui Brewing Company brought this unusual porter to the 2010 Portland Brewer’s Festival. The line for that particular beer was the longest one at the festival and unfortunately by the time I made it to the front of the line, it was tapped out. Bummer. But, since the Brewer’s Fest I’ve spotted the CoCoNut Porter in our local grocery store. Not in bottles, but in cans! Maui Brewing Companies philosophy on the use of cans vs bottles is the same philosophy that has been creeping slowly into the microbrew community. Cans are non-breakable, easier to chill, lighter to carry, and best of all, the are 100% recyclable!

I was a bit apprehensive to try this beer, simply because the thought of coconut in a porter sounds kind of sickening sweet and just, well, odd.

Well, I’m here to say I’m very pleasantly surprised. With a dark color and light coconut aroma, two of the senses are pleased immediately. The first drink is a malty-sweet (but not too sweet) surprise. Maui Brewing really brings a great tropical feel to this lovely porter by using six varieties of malted barley, Cascade and CTZ hops, and hand-toasted coconut. The result is a smooth porter with hints of chocolate, coffee and, of course, coconut. I was hooked after the first sip. Usually I suggest porters during the fall and winter. But, this porter is great any time of the year. At 5.7% ABV it’s not too high in alcohol, but because of the rich taste I would suggest this porter as a sipping beer. So, if you’re tired of having a white Christmas, try a CoCoNut Porter for a little tropical vacation.




Upcoming Event: The Museum of Flight’s 9th Annual Hops and Props

Saturday April 9, 2011

VIP Event 6-7:00 pm: $100
General Admission Main Event 7-10:00 pm: $70SOLD OUT!
Members: $55SOLD OUT!
Designated Drivers: $30 (Designated driver tickets will be available in the Museum Store the night of the event.)


TIP OF THE WEEK: H2O – Nectar of Life and Preventer of Hangover? January 16, 2011

I am not one who drinks beer for the purpose of getting drunk. I choose to enjoy my beer and the company I keep instead of wondering what I did the night before while hugging the porcelain God (or Goddess for my pagan friends). In my opinion, frat boys need not apply and if forgetting the evening is your sole purpose of drinking beer…then why are you viewing this blog? But, there is the rare occasion when one does have a few too many and wakes up wishing for sweet death. How do you prevent this unfortunate side effect? Agua, H2O, voda, das Wasser, uisge, mizu, good old-fashioned water.

What many people forget about when drinking is that alcohol is a diuretic which means it causes frequent urination and flushes water from the body. The result? Dehydration. The headache one gets the next morning is a direct symptom of dehydration. The best thing to do to prevent the “kicked in the back on the head” feeling is to drink water before, during and after you drink alcohol. Now the amount of water you should drink is still up for debate but it has been proven that drinking water throughout the night helps keep you hydrated and most people have reported either a slight headache to no headache whatsoever. This is no old wives tale, drinking water helps to prevent the morning after headache.

Scott and I have experimented with this theory for quite some time (years actually) and we both agree that when we drink water while drinking beer neither one of us experiences the infamous headache. I personally try to drink at leat 1 pint of water with each pint of beer. The other benefit of drinking water is it slows one down from chugging their beverage and they actually drink less. Another plus if you ask me. Now some may say drinking water is for wusses. My response, I would rather enjoy my night instead of regretting my morning.




The little Engine House that still can! January 10, 2011

Sometimes some of the best places are found completely by accident. About 3 years ago, when my husband and I were new to Washington State, we went exploring down 6th Ave in Tacoma. I just happened to be looking to my left when I spotted a gorgeous brick building with fluorescent beer signs in the windows. Thinking it was probably a dive bar, hubby reluctantly turned the car around to investigate. And boy, are we glad we did! Turns out this brick building is home to Tacoma’s first micro-brew. Engine House No. 9, built in 1907, was once the original fire house for Tacoma’s North End and is registered on the National Historical Register.  

Talk about ambiance! The place is packed full of antique fire fighting equipment and memorabilia including the original pole the firemen slid down a hundred years ago. The brewery not only carries its own beers, but has many guest taps as well featuring some of the best beers from around the world. I ordered the Engine House No. 9 (AKA E9) sampler tray for $5.00. The sampler features 6 of E9’s best home beers, some of the finest micro-brews in Tacoma.

Belgian White (4.1% ABV): If you are looking for a springtime ale, this may be the ale you want. The lowest ABV of the bunch, the aroma is soft and citrusy with a hint of lavender and wheat. This is a crisp, floral ale with a good clean finish. The Belgian White is very easy to drink and would go great with just about any meal.

Tacoma Brew (5.1% ABV): Brewed with Czech Saaz hops, this pale ale has a smooth, hoppy flavor with a sweet caramel finish.  The caramel seemed to intensify with every sip. Tacoma Brew is my husband’s “go to” beer.  It may be yours too!

Roasted Porter (5.9% ABV): As many of you know, I’m a big pan of porters. Made with coffee, this porter is so sweet and creamy; I thought it was nitro tapped.  The iced coffee flavor and aroma is so prominent, you may forget you’re drinking beer. Delicious!

Rowdy Dick Amber (6.2% ABV): Crisp and slightly hoppy, the malty finish rounds out this nice ale.  I pick up subtle hints of spice and think of autumn when I drink this ale. This ale is great for crisp October nights.

Winter Warmer (6.3% ABV): Like I’ve shared in my previous blogs, winter ales are a bit stronger than the average ale. And, like I am about to share, this ale is true to form. Beautiful and toasty, hints of caramel and coffee smooth out this rich ale. There is a bit of the hard alcohol taste I have warned you about in previous blogs, so be careful. This ale is definitely a sipper.

India Pale Ale (6.6% ABV): As you are all aware, I’m not a fan of IPAs but I actually enjoyed this one. Full bodied and full of hops, this IPA has a beautiful citrus aroma and the bitter flavor of grapefruit. Being the IPA fan, my husband really enjoys this beer. Though this ale may sound strong, it was actually quite easy to drink.

Fire Engine Red (7.0% ABV): With the highest ABV on my list, Fire Engine Red has a high alcohol nose and a strong winter ale style taste.  It’s quite hoppy and yet toasty with a malty finish. Like hard alcohol this beer is quite warming but I wouldn’t suggest you drink it while you eat.

Engine House No. 9 is family friendly and has a great, eclectic food menu. Try one of their fantastic pizzas with the house brews. Since stumbling upon Engine House No. 9 over 3 years ago we have become regular customers. If you come by on a weekend chances are pretty good you may run into me.



